Celebrate Water
We protect what we value, we value what we understand.
Contact us: info@elmvale.org
The Elmvale Fall Fair has been an annual event for more than 150 years and draws thousands of visitors to this tiny hamlet every autumn. http://www.elmvalefallfair.com The Elmvale Fall Fair has many livestock shows, including heavy horses, and of course a tractor pull. There will be award winning baked goods, crafts, needlework, school displays, preserves, field crops, photography and floral exhibits.
For more information about the 2014 Elmvale Water Festival, please contact Michael Powell mike@elmvale.org
The Elmvale Water Festival is hosted by the Elmvale Foundation, a federally registered charity for environmental education (84826 6193 RR0001). Donations to the Elmvale Foundation can be made at the TD Canada Trust in Elmvale, or directly from our web site www.elmvalefoundation.org.
We protect what we value, we value what we understand.